Dear Vadim & Nadiya and parents, I note that you guys placed 17-18 out of 57 couples at the 2003 World Youth Latin Championship.
Congratulations on your achievement!!
Pinky Wong
President, DanceSport BC
Vadim & Nadiya, you are definitely touching-moving and inspiring me, as well as all dance sport lovers across Canada because you have a dream and you are being passionate and committed to it.
I would like to say congratulation and thank you for your heart and devotion: beautiful people taking chances, facing some fears and acting anyway for the realization of your dream.
Sincerely, Denis Tremblay
Holder of 13 Canadian Professional Championship titles, Blackpool’s Grand Finalist Partnered with Madonna in movie “Evita”
More references available upon request

Vadim Garbuzov and Nadiya Dyatlova
IDSF World Youth Latin 2003

This couple is available for demonstrations
and performances.
Phone/fax: 1-604-879-7505
Cellular: 1-604-817-7505
Suite # 198, 3495 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3

Vadim Garbuzov and Nadiya Dyatlova